How Does LMC Work?

Effective Coaching Skills for Trainers® (ECSLM)

ECSLM is another program you need to complete on your journey to ALESYS' Learning Manager CertificationSM. This unique program enables those who train to "switch hats" — moving from the role of Teacher to Coach to more effectively assist Learners during the training session as they practice and improve their skills.

To give Trainers/Facilitators effective coaching skills to enable Learners to be more successful in applying training content during the learning session.


  • Improved coaching skills that result in a more productive learning environment.
  • Productive learning experiences for all Learners and Trainers(Learning Managers).
  • Effective feedback interactions between Learners and Trainers (Learning Managers).
  • Increased skills and confidence of Trainers when coaching Learners during training.
  • Recognition of coaching as an integral part of the classroom learning experience.

This program consists of facilitated, interactive learning to enable you to enhance your ability as a Learning Manager by developing coaching strategies and practicing effective coaching during the learning process.


  • Trainers who use productive coaching and feedback interactions with their Learners for more effective training results.
  • Trainers whose Learners are better prepared to apply learned skills on the job.

Trainers, Instructors, and Facilitators at all levels of skill who deliver any type of training content.

Two days.

Comprehensive Learner Workbook, Handouts, Job Aids, and Knowledge Assessment.