ALESYS has served the Financial Industry for over 18 years, helping some of the world's largest and most successful financial organizations improve their service to Customers through better-trained staff and better-managed operations. Our work has always increased their bottom-line results, improved productivity and morale, and increased Customer satisfaction. Our approach often includes preparing very rigorous training that engages each Learner in specific skill practices relevant to their organization and work processes. Learn more about our highly successful solutions for this industry by clicking on the examples below:

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Accounts Receivable/Collections Training
Situation The collections function of a global credit card organization needed to increase the success with which its Agents brought delinquent accounts current, as well as save accounts from being closed. Agents were reluctant to press Customers for timely payment of late accounts, even though they had been through some training on collection techniques.
ALESYS’ solution for this Customer was to conduct interviews and focus groups with Agents who were successful collecting revenue, as well as those who were not as successful. Then our Custom-Development Team integrated more acceptable best practices into their regular training to make the collection of accounts a more normal activity. We designed skill practices led by Team Leaders to help the Agents become more skilled and comfortable with helping Customers manage their accounts in a more positive way that benefited the Customer as well as the organization. Revenue capture and Customer satisfaction increased dramatically, and employee morale improved as this new approach was accepted by Agents and their Team Leaders.
Audit Training Effectiveness
A major bank and a major credit card company, both in the Fortune 100, asked ALESYS to evaluate the effectiveness of their approach to training new hires. Both organizations spent six to eight weeks on classroom training for new hires, with several additional weeks of informal training and coaching once on the job. Both organizations were concerned that their processes were not efficient or effective for producing the quality of staff performance expected.
For each of these Customers, ALESYS assigned a team of experienced Consultants, Facilitators, and Instructional Developers who reviewed all training materials; observed Trainers delivering key portions of the training; interviewed Learners, recent graduates, managers, and Trainers about their perceptions of the effectiveness of the training; analyzed all assessments and metrics relevant to new hire performance; and reviewed relevant job performance metrics. Our team compared their findings to best practices in the financial industry and made very specific recommendations with next steps for these Customers to consider. Major revisions to the process for training new hires were implemented by both of these organizations, using the ALESYS team for the custom redesign and development of the training content and materials. The results for both organizations included reduced time in formal training, more efficient on-the-job training and coaching, higher job productivity metrics, and increased Customer and employee satisfaction.
Balance Inquiry Training
Situation A large, global credit card issuer needed to improve the results of their approach to training new Call Center Reps to manage balance inquiries presented by Customers. They had not able to prepare Reps quickly enough on this issue and were finding that too many calls were being escalated to Supervisors around this common situation.
What ALESYS Did ALESYS custom-developed a new, more practical and interactive approach to training Reps to locate accurate balance information quickly and explain the information professionally to Customers. We integrated actual taped calls into their training, and built job aids and navigation practices that enabled Reps to learn how to manage balance inquiries with greater confidence and ease. The company was very pleased with the immediate reduction in escalated calls and the improvements in Customer satisfaction scores.
Blended Learning
Situation A major bank wanted to make their six-week, Trainer-led, New Hire Training program more interactive and engaging for the younger employees they were hiring in the mid-1990s. The training content was very intense, requiring focus and self-discipline. This caused anxiety for many of the new employees who were required to do well in this training process or they risked losing their new job. It was very difficult for these employees to sit in a classroom for eight hours every day for six weeks and learn all the content that was presented to them in this formal manner. Retention was at an all time high, and it was obvious to management that the New Hire Training content was not being learned sufficiently to enable the employees to function effectively on the job.
What ALESYS Did As part of the complete redesign of this Customer’s New Hire Training Process, ALESYS custom-developed a blended learning solution that made it possible for employees to learn the required content more easily from a variety of formats and media. We integrated e-learning, video, audiotapes, games, computer activities, competency demonstrations, and many partner activities into the revised Trainer-led content. This blended approach was very well received by both new employees and Trainers. Scores on assessments and competency demonstrations increased significantly, and the managers who received the new employees were very surprised at how much more knowledgeable, skilled, and committed these employees were compared with graduates of the older version of New Hire Training. This blended approach is still in use ten years later.
Change Management Communication Process
Situation A major credit company was in the process of conceptualizing a Six Sigma initiative for all of their global operations. They asked ALESYS to assist them in preparing a communication process with tools to manage this major change in work practices on a very tight timeline.
After carefully researching the goals of this project, and the culture of the organization, ALESYS’ experienced Consulting team developed a communication process to accomplish this Customer’s goal. Then our Development and Production Teams created approximately ten items that enabled a meeting to be conducted by each Team Leader around the globe to introduce the concept of Six Sigma to their staff, explaining the process that would be used by the company to train staff in implementing this quality initiative. The communication process and tools included a customized box for each Leader containing all the materials they would need to hold the initial communication meeting with their team. This box included a PowerPoint presentation with a detailed Leader’s Guide to ensure consistency of the message delivered to all staff in the company. There was also an invitation card to the meeting for each Leader to complete and send to their staff members, a Job Aid for use by the Leader after they had conducted enough of these meetings that they did not need to rely so heavily on their Leader’s Guide, and several communications from Senior Management to encourage the Leaders to accept their role in this project.
We also developed an Empowerment assignment for each staff member to complete after the meeting to begin their participation in the process, and a Job Aid for each staff member to place on their computer to guide them in accessing the web-based training that was developed on the Six Sigma process. We custom developed a small, branded lapel pin for each Leader to give their staff members to wear once they had successfully completed the first level of the training on Six Sigma, and various other tools that enabled this project to be launched simultaneously around the world.
ALESYS also served as an outsource partner to this company by reproducing, storing, and shipping all the communication tools we had developed for this Customer. We maintained an order inventory database and website to facilitate release of the materials needed by 80,000 employees and 15,000 Team Leaders over the quick project timeline. This project was accomplished very smoothly and cost-effectively.
Coaching Skills for Team Leaders
A large, global credit card provider used Team Leaders as On-the-Job Coaches for new Agents in their multiple call centers around the world. They wanted to train those Coaches to be more skilled in leading their work teams to exceed performance goals and Customer satisfaction metrics. Most of these Coaches were Agents who had recently been promoted to this role, and they were not confident in their skills to lead former peers to improve their work performance and productivity.
Since this target group had not been trained in coaching skills, and had to lead former peer Agents to exceed performance goals, ALESYS custom-developed an intensive three-day, Facilitator-led training program that was practice-rich, using actual coaching scenarios we developed after researching the types of call situations that most often caused Agents difficulty. We integrated the coaching practices into the training content so that the Team Leaders practiced increasingly challenging situations, and became more confident in their ability to handle emotional encounters with former peers. Everyone involved in this training, from Agents to Team Leaders to more senior management, expressed their excitement at the new level of professionalism and team spirit that our approach to coaching achieved. We also made sure the Team Leaders were coached regularly by their own managers to reinforce effective coaching practices. Those more senior managers received a Manager’s packet from ALESYS with specific, observable behaviors to watch for and actions to take to make the coaching of the Agents more effective over time.
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A company that provides collection services for other businesses decided to offer their Team Leaders a professional development opportunity to increase their coaching skills of Agents who contacted delinquent accounts, and had to achieve target recovery goals. This difficult work environment had high turnover and significant resistance to using various collection strategies.
ALESYS’ Senior Facilitators conducted multiple direct deliveries of our three-day coaching skills program for these Team Leaders to teach them how to engage the Agents in identifying their own performance deficiencies and then determine the best ways to resolve them so they could meet their performance targets and still help Customers get their credit history repaired. Our approach was a win-win for all involved and was very much appreciated by the Agents, their Team Leaders, Customers, and senior management.
Coaching Skills for Supervisors and Managers
A major global bank needed to improve the coaching skills of the Supervisors and Managers in various functions throughout the bank. They had used an “off-the-shelf” coaching skills program for several years without any real results, and were ready to try a more powerful approach to developing these critical skills.
ALESYS’ team of Instructional Developers researched the work environment and cultural issues of the target groups of Supervisors and custom-developed a practice-rich, two-day, Facilitator-led training program aimed at the skill gaps of these managers. Then our Senior Facilitators conducted a certification process for several of this banks top Trainers who then conducted sessions of the new coaching skills program with great success. We provided job aids and on-the-job assignments that were implemented to keep the managers focused on using their coaching skills regularly and in multiple situations. The bank realized a significant improvement in the quality and quantity of coaching sessions conducted by these managers, and noted that employee satisfaction scores also improved.
Competency Models/Critical Task Analysis
Situation A major credit card company in the Fortune 100 had only a dated job description for their Call Center Agent position. They wanted to create a comprehensive critical task list for this position, but did not have that expertise internally. Senior management wanted this list as part of a new focus on improving the quality and efficiency of this position in all their call center sites around the globe.
ALESYS conducted job observations to document the most common tasks performed by the Call Center Agent position in multiple sites selected as representative for this position. Our experienced Researchers then arranged the tasks according to the frequency of performance across the sites, and shared that list with members of management and with key performers to determine which tasks were considered “critical” for all Agents to be able to perform. After a thorough review, an approved critical task list was delivered to senior management. ALESYS was then asked to custom develop a rigorous training process for Agents to learn these tasks in the most efficient manner. That resulted in a shortened New Hire training process that produced higher performance and productivity levels than the organization had ever experienced.
Credit Card Transaction Training
Situation A large, global credit card issuer was dissatisfied with the results of their approach to training new Reps in their Call Centers. They were not able to prepare Reps quickly enough on the complexities of credit card transactions and issues posed by Callers. They asked ALESYS to analyze the effectiveness of their training approach and then revise the training to solve this critical issue.
What ALESYS Did ALESYS custom-developed a new, more practical and interactive approach to training Reps in managing any type of credit card transaction presented by Customers. We integrated actual taped calls into the new training, and built job aids and navigation practices that enabled Reps to learn how to manage a wide variety of transactions with confidence and ease. We reduced training time for New Hires from 7 weeks of classroom to 5 weeks, with much higher quality and productivity scores when the Reps joined their Floor units
Customer Service Training
A major bank and a separate large, global credit card issuer had both purchased a Facilitator-led Customer Service training program “off-the-shelf,” but were not seeing any impact of that training on their Call Center Rep’s job performance as measured by Customer satisfaction metrics.
As part of a complete redesign ALESYS was asked to perform for both of these companies’ New Hire Training Processes, we integrated the various modules of the purchased training into the revised New Hire training curriculum and had their Reps practice their Customer Service skills whenever they practiced their navigation and technical skills throughout our redesigned program. Satisfaction scores increased significantly for both companies very quickly as their Reps were released to their Floor units.
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A large investment firm was very concerned about the treatment their Agents were providing to investment Customers, and asked that their approach to Customer Service training be redeveloped to address their specific business issues.
ALESYS custom-developed a 2-day Facilitator-led training program that was built around actual Customer scenarios common to this investment firm’s Agents, and prepared the training materials for long-term use by this organization. We also trained their Trainers to deliver these sessions successfully over time.
Customized Strategy for Global Training Deployment
Situation A major global credit card company had many decentralized training functions in key regions of the globe. Each center was managing their function their own way with wide variations in effectiveness. This company wanted to implement best practices in learning delivery, tracking, and management on a more consistent basis in all their global centers. They also wanted to improve their cost effectiveness, as well as the effectiveness with which staff members learned to perform their jobs. They asked ALESYS to contribute best practices for developing a Global Business Strategy for their Learning functions.
ALESYS assigned a team of Senior Consultants who researched the operations of the various global training functions and recommended best practices to make the operations and outcomes of these functions more effective and consistent. Funding for these improvements is underway and many of the “low-hanging fruit” have been addressed successfully across the globe. Results have been remarkable very quickly.
Development of Assessments
Situation A major credit card company wanted to use assessments during their lengthy New Hire training process to weed out new employees who were not able to efficiently learn the skills and concepts that would make them successful on the job. They had several assessments in place that had been developed by internal staff over the years, but it was clear that these assessments were not predicting job success.
ALESYS researched the job tasks relevant to this position and then our Instructional Development Team custom-developed ten formal knowledge and skill assessments that could be used during the New Hire training process to provide useful information for decisions on additional training or re-assignment to other duties. We taught this Customer how to analyze the assessment data over time to reach a large enough sample size to be able to calculate with 95% accuracy the predictive quality of the assessments on job performance. They followed this process and were able to validate the assessments so they could then use them to make the necessary employment decisions. Their retention rate of new hires who made it to the job increased dramatically, as they used the assessments during the training process to reduce their investment in those new hires who could not grasp the basic skills required for the job.
Situation A major bank wanted to add e-learning content to their curriculum for new employees, but did not have an intranet or access for all employees to the Internet. They asked for several hours of e-learning to be developed on the topic of probing Customers for information, so that employees could better position the appropriate bank products to offer each Customer. They also asked for best practices in making this new learning format available to employees without being too time consuming and adversely affecting productivity goals.
ALESYS custom-developed three hours of e-learning content that was very interactive and included a Personal Action Plan and Job Aid to be completed by the employee as they progressed through the content. Audio tapes of actual Customer conversations were built into the content to encourage employees to practice the skills that were being taught. A packet for the Trainer or the Job Coach of the employee was also custom-developed to assist with reinforcement of learned skills in actual work situations.
ALESYS recommended the bank create a centralized Learning Center in each of their locations so employees could be scheduled for self-study training in a managed environment. These centers were located near the Job Coach’s work area to enable them to observe and assist employees during their self-study. We developed the e-learning content in 40-minute segments to allow employees to be away from their jobs for short periods for learning purposes. This approach was well-received, and actually encouraged by management.
This bank’s launch into e-learning proved to be successful, primarily because it did not require a large initial expense for hardware to use the training program, and the employees were not missing too much work time to participate in this learning opportunity.
Leadership Training
Situation A major credit card company realized that the managers of its multiple call centers around the globe were buried with data about all aspects of the operation. They feared that most managers used the data to “beat up their teams” rather than as information to effectively coach individual performance and lead their teams to achieve business goals and targets.
ALESYS custom-developed a highly interactive, one-day workshop to teach the various levels of managers how to use and interpret actual reports they received on a regular basis, and turn that information into motivating conversations and team meetings to better lead their units to success. The managers were elated to finally have a process for making more valuable use of the data, and an endorsed approach for communicating the data to their teams in more productive ways. Employee satisfaction increased significantly, with turnover in these call centers improving immediately.
Learning Skills Training
Situation A major bank had a management trainee program in place to develop new staff who joined the bank with Masters degrees in accounting, business, or finance. These staff were assigned on a rotation schedule for two years to learn more about the various functions within the bank before they were placed into a permanent position. Senior management was concerned that most of these young people did not understand how to learn best in this new environment, having just come from academia.
ALESYS developed a highly interactive, two-day Facilitator-led training session to teach these new staff members how to transition from “book learning” to the more dynamic environment of work. Our Instructional Development team assigned to this project built several relevant case studies that were used as the practical application for a variety of on-the-job learning techniques taught in the session. There were work assignments for use with the staff members’ mentors in the bank, and various checkpoints during the first year of employment to determine success and plan adjustments as needed. Senior management praised the new approach as producing new managers who were much better prepared to serve the bank after their rotation assignments.
Measurement of Training Effectiveness
A major bank had several training programs in place that were generating mixed results. Senior management wanted to understand why and to implement more consistent best practices to ensure an acceptable return on their investment in these programs.
ALESYS assigned an experienced team of Researchers, Instructional Developers, Facilitators, and Measurement Specialists to analyze the results these programs were getting over the past two years. We also analyzed all the variables that were impacting transfer of the training content to job application. Our report to Senior management was very detailed and contained findings, recommendations, and next steps for improving the effectiveness of these programs. ALESYS was asked to implement changes to the training content, and to provide our professional development curricula to the internal Trainers and Job Coaches of these programs.
New Hire Training
Financial organizations often have lengthy New Hire training programs for their Call Center operations because their Agents must handle many different types of transactions. We have been asked many times to help reduce total training time for these New Hire programs, and make them more effective in producing Agents who can manage Customers effectively as soon as they are assigned to a Floor unit.
What ALESYS DidFor a major bank and a separate global credit issuer, ALESYS’ professional teams completely revised their multi-week New Hire Call Center Training programs with much greater success than their internal Training Departments had done over the years. This is because we contribute best practices in training Call Center Agents around the types of technical and Customer management content that are common for financial organizations. We thoroughly integrate technical skill development with navigation skills and Customer management skills. Through our powerful approach we can typically reduce formal training time by approximately one week, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars of training expense, while achieving higher quality Agent performance. This has been the outcome with each project of this type that we have performed over the years.
Orientation Training
A major bank asked us to help them make their orientation training for all new employees more interesting and relevant to their current situation. Their program had been added to over the years, but did not have sound instructional design built in and was not memorable, nor effective in accomplishing their goals for this training.
What ALESYS Did ALESYS researched the concerns this Customer had with their current approach and conducted interviews and focus groups with recent new employees to determine what would make the orientation training process more effective. Then we custom-developed a brief, but very focused Facilitator-led workshop based on materials we prepared for new employees to study prior to the Orientation workshop. Our Customer found this new approach to be much more effective in accomplishing their vision for bringing new employees into the organization.
Product Training
A major bank realized that their Reps were not adept at explaining new or current products so that Customers understood the features and benefits of each product and made purchase decisions during the same call.
As part of the complete redesign of their New Hire Training Process requested by this company, ALESYS custom-developed training on all products so the Reps practiced selling and handling objections several times each day during their multi-week training process. When the Reps were released to their Floor units, their selling rates were significantly higher than Reps who were trained with the prior approach. The newer Reps reported that selling the banks products was actually very easy and enjoyable for them and for their Customers.
Professional Development of Trainers and Instructional Developers
Situation A major bank, and several major credit companies, had Trainers who were promoted from within and had not been professionally developed to fulfill their training responsibilities at a high level. This bank also wanted their more experienced Trainers to take their skills “to the next level.”
ALESYS delivers sessions of our two powerful professional development certification curricula to the staff of these organizations upon request. Our Senior Facilitators have all accomplished certification by ALESYS as a Learning Designer or Learning Manager (Facilitator) and are the best in the industry. They are able to work with each Trainer to improve their professional skills significantly. Our sessions are small and personal with many opportunities to practice with actual content these staff work with daily. We provide written, verbal, and video-taped feedback for most topics, and coaching for up to one year after each session. These are not typical, public Train-the-Trainer sessions, but are true learning opportunities where behavior change occurs immediately in a peer learning environment.
The organizations that have used ALESYS’ professional development curricula have continued to do that for over twelve years as their staff members have evolved.
Reengineer the Training Function
Situation A major bank had recently appointed a new leader for its largest training function. She assessed the satisfaction of the internal Customers of this function and decided it was time to “raise the bar” significantly. She asked ALESYS to guide a “Steering Committee” of key staff and representatives of the internal Customers that she gathered to work with her in reengineering how all services were conceptualized and then delivered to the various business units of the bank. She wanted to leverage the learning management expertise of ALESYS as she led this significant improvement for the bank.
ALESYS assigned a team of our Senior Consultants to bring best practices and strategies for consideration by the Steering Committee. They guided the Committee and appropriate bank staff over approximately six months to completely rethink and reengineer all training and development functions offered to internal bank business units. The new approach that was adopted has been in place for over 10 years, and focused the entire training process on obtaining significant business results for each internal Customer. It also included ALESYS’ professional development curricula for all members of the new Learning function. We have guided this staff group over the years as they apply their new skills and depth of understanding of workplace learners in this large organization. Their internal Customers are very pleased and impressed with the positive results the new approach has achieved.
Selling/Cross-Selling Training
Situation This Customer needed to train their licensed Agents to successfully offer more lucrative investments to their Customer base to expand their portfolios and grow the company in a very competitive market.
What ALESYS Did ALESYS custom-developed a 2-day, Facilitator-led training program that provided Agents with multiple opportunities to practice selling and cross-selling all the key products and packages this organization offered. We built in Customer resistance most often encountered, and helped each Agent develop strategies that would work for them to close more business. This company was able to increase their revenue stream significantly within two months of the training, and has maintained a more satisfied workforce with much less turnover than before the new approach was integrated.
Skills Assessment of Training Professionals
Situation A major credit card company had approximately 100 Trainers and Instructional Developers on their teams in about ten locations around the U.S. Senior management wanted to know the professional development skill levels and needs of these staff members on all the core training and learning competencies. The ultimate goal was to offer a customized curriculum to these team members over time to increase their skills and contribution to the organization.
ALESYS assigned a team of highly experienced Facilitators and Senior Instructional Developers and custom-developed a knowledge assessment on the major training and learning functions that was administered to all team members of this Customer. We then conducted observations of representative members performing various core functions, and interviewed them and their managers about professional development issues and needs. We also conducted focus groups at each of the locations of these team members.
Based on the findings of this assessment, ALESYS prepared a detailed report for Senior Management, and then customized our certification curricula for Trainers and for Developers to address the specific issues uncovered by the assessment. We continue to deliver these powerful, practice-rich professional development sessions to all staff members, and provide coaching as requested for individual team members. We also provide advanced sessions as team members progress in their skill development.
Strategy Workshops for Senior Management
Situation A major credit card company wanted their senior management teams within the training and development functions of all their locations to learn best practices for managing those functions in the financial and call center work environments. This group of managers had mostly operational experience, with little understanding of the workplace learning process. Their efforts to lead the training and development functions were falling short of the expectations of senior management.
ALESYS researched the jobs of these senior managers, the needs and expectations of their internal Customers and staff, and the skill sets of their teams. Our team then prepared a fast-paced, two-day workshop conducted by a Senior ALESYS Facilitator to help this management team understand their role in managing the critical functions of a large, complex financial organization. They learned about best practices, and made detailed action plans for implementing what they agreed would work well in each of their functions. Their credibility increased significantly within the next quarter as they implemented their action plans. ALESYS provided coaching and support during the implementation process.
Systems, Conversion, and Navigation Training
Situation A major bank had decided their New Hire training process needed to be revised after they reviewed an audit that ALESYS had conducted of their complete training approach and its effectiveness. While ALESYS was conducting the revision process, this bank converted to a new system for accessing Customer information from accounts, and for navigating through new screens and layouts to locate accurate information for Customers. This new process had to be trained very quickly to current employees, and incorporated into the revisions to the New Hire training that were already underway by ALESYS.
What ALESYS DidALESYS integrated the new screens and navigation paths into the New Hire training curriculum as they were tested and certified by the bank’s Conversion Team. ALESYS’ Development Team made the necessary adjustments and produced the revised New Hire training process, and the upskilling training, within the quality guidelines and timeline for the project. We piloted all the training and had the Reps practice their navigation skills throughout our redesigned program. Current employees were trained on the new system with great success and speed using the New Hire training materials ALESYS developed. Management told us that this conversion went more smoothly than any conversion in the past.
Technical Skills Training
Situation Most of our Customers have highly technical content that must be trained to their employees because of the nature of the job tasks that must be performed in financial organizations. Technical content includes specific work processes like verifying Customer identification, using complex navigation paths and computer screens, following regulatory processes, and various other job tasks specific to the organization. This content is very proprietary to each Customer and must be custom-developed to make it come alive for employees. Technical content is often complex and can become very laborious, if not managed well during the learning process. While internal staff are often familiar with their organization’s technical content, they are usually not skilled in designing and developing that content so that it can be easily learned by others.
What ALESYS Did ALESYS applies a very thorough process to learn the details of the technical work processes and systems that are integral to our Customers’ success. We wrap our instructional design and development expertise around the subject-matter expertise of our Customers’ project team members to create very interactive, engaging training materials and techniques that enable each Learner to understand the technical content and master it quickly so they can perform to standards. Over the years, our Customers have told us that they are amazed at how ALESYS can make technical content “come alive” for their staff so quickly. Each Customer always owns the technical content ALESYS develops for them, recouping the cost of the development quickly by not having to pay License Fees over time to continue using the content. ALESYS also provides maintenance of technical content as it changes and evolves over time.
Training Needs Analysis
A major credit card organization wanted to provide very rigorous professional development for their Training Department staff. They had used public seminars in the past with no improvement in skills. They had approximately 100 Trainers and Instructional Developers on their teams in about ten locations around the U.S.
ALESYS conducted a training needs analysis of the skill sets of these staff members by surveying them, interviewing a representative sample of the target group and their managers and internal Customers, conducting focus groups, and observing some of their functions being performed. We then reported our findings to Senior Management who asked our Instructional Development Team to customize ALESYS’ professional development curriculum for this target group to increase the skills we found to be deficient. Our highly experienced Facilitators delivered multiple sessions of this curriculum and provided feedback and coaching to their participants for one year after the sessions were completed.
Situation Whenever ALESYS custom develops any Trainer-led content for any Customer, their current Trainers must be prepared to use the new training materials most effectively. This situation is present in every development project ALESYS performs for our Customers.
ALESYS assigns several Senior Instructional Developers who worked on the custom development project for the Customer to conduct a Train-the-Trainer session for a representative group of the Customer’s Trainers who will be responsible for leading the implementation of the new training materials. Since all ALESYS learning professionals possess excellent facilitation skills, these sessions focus not only on demonstrating the new training content and materials that have been prepared for the Customer’s Trainers to use, but also on how best to manage each learning activity that has been developed. These sessions vary in length depending on the scope, complexity, and length of the finished content. Each of the Customers’ Trainers practices conducting sections of the content so that all Trainers can mark their training materials and increase their comfort and skill in using the materials to conduct effective sessions immediately after our Train-the-Trainer session is completed. We receive rave reviews for the care and attention to detail that we take in preparing our Customers’ Trainers to be successful with any materials we develop for their use.
Up-Skilling Training
Situation Most of ALESYS’ Financial Customers need their current staff to be as skilled and up-to-date with new products or work processes as their New Hires are when they are released to a work unit. However, current employees do not need the same level of training that someone new to the organization typically needs.
ALESYS prepares targeted packets of training materials for use by Learners who already perform related tasks, and just need to learn a new product or work process to add to their current skill sets. These materials have been in a variety of formats, from self-study e-learning or paper-based materials, to short sessions conducted by Team Leaders or Trainers at the beginning of a work shift or during dedicated training time for current staff. Employees and operational management have embraced this process enthusiastically.

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